I think in this paper discusses the history and distinctiveness of sketch teaching applied mathematics and numerical methods at different levels and assume the contents of introductory courses from the viewpoint of background mathematics. Example is a typical of computational problem given in a comprehensive illustration. An approach is characterized to create an educational system that provides fundamental knowledge in numerical and applied mathematics based upon deep permanent natural contacts with ‘pure’ mathematics and the use of internet resources. Two types of introductory levels are distinguished.
In numerical mathematics teaching is very simple, here is distinguished in every decade, someone can easily practice programs that exist in mathematics. In this paper also discussed how to teach numerical methods and applied mathematics in my opinion this is very nice because we can distinguish between two types of levels, first level for undergraduate students with little basic knowledge and for students who have completed the basic course of calculus, algebra, etc.
So conclusion an educational system is created that provides fundamental knowledge in numerical and applied mathematics based upon deep permanent contacts with teaching purely mathematical subjects and the use of computer and internet resources. The system can be further developed and applied at many universities and colleges, in particular when intense short courses in mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and computer science are given for students specializing in natural sciences and technology.