Perfect Square
Any perfect square satisfies the following three properties:
·         The possible ones of perfect square number is either 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, dan 9.
·         If 4 divides a perfect square then the remainder is either 0 or 1.
·         If p is a prime and p | x2 then p|z , where z = x2 = p.
Example :
Obtain a perfect square whose digits are k; k + 1; k + 2; 3k; k + 3.
Solution. The ones of the number is k +3, it follows that k can be either 1; 2; 3 or
6. Whilst the tens is 3k, it follows that k can be either 0; 1; 2 or 3. They imply that
the possible k is either 1; 2 or 3 which give perfect square numbers 12334; 23465
or 34596. Since the remainder of 12334 divided by 4 is 2, it gives that 12334 is
not a perfect square. The remainder of 23465 divided by 4 is 1 and 5|23465, but
5† 4693, so that 23465 is not a perfect square. Now, 4|34596, and we have the
  2 | 34596
  2 | 17298
  3 | 8649
  3 | 2883
31 |  961
31 |  31
Therefore, 34596 = 22.32.312=186  which is a perfect square.